At SpaceDreamS, we are spaceport architect.
We have a unique expertise in developing and operating spaceports and launch complexes, as well as implementing launchers on ground.
With our cutting-edge technology, our understanding of the Newspace needs, and the heritage and knowledge of the institutional space programs, we accompany our clients from the early stages up to qualification and exploitation by providing on-time, on price and on target efficient solutions.
At SpaceDreams, interoperability is no more a wishful paper concept.
We develop ground-breaking interoperable solutions for launchers and spaceports.
Indeed, we revolution the way launch complexes are designed: it is no more a center of cost, no more a specific solution designed for one single launcher, no more a fixed infrastructure transforming the user into captive customer.
We promote sustainable and cost-efficient space economy by allowing the reuse and sharing of expensive equipment and infrastructures, and a best rate of use of launch sites.
We allow new business models to take place: ground segment service provider.
You come with the launcher, and we provide the rest.
At SpaceDreamS we think that all countries will want to have access to space, the same way they have access to sea or sky. We will provide them earth and sea-based solutions, compatible with several launchers, allowing them to become space countries.


Men and women with a solid experience on ground systems